marți, 6 septembrie 2011

The truth about the growth of hair

Balding is no fun, but today's hair growth remedies can in fact be quite effective to help the situation. This is because of two chemical substances, which have been produced in the last ten years: minoxidil and finasteride. Each of them clinically demonstrated hair growth, but people should know some important differences. This is evident in this brief overview of three popular hair loss products: Propecia, Scalp Med and Provillus.

Propecia – Propecia finasteride is used, you need a prescription. 5 years of study, it was concluded, which shows that 48% of men using Propecia pubertálnímu some hair, while 42% reported no further hair loss. Note that if you are a woman, Propecia is not for you, especially if they can get pregnant or are breastfeeding. Finasteride is known to cause abnormalities in the genitalia among baby boys.

Adverse effects in sexual are probably the main problem with Propecia. Some men experience sexual dysfunction, such as impotence. There are even claims that these side effects are irreversible and permanent.

Provillus-this is one of the most popular hair growth remedies, sells today. Provillus is available via the Internet and you don't need a prescription. Contains minoxodil, which studies have shown, prevents and hair loss at the pubertálnímu. The good news for women is that minoxidil is perfectly safe. There is even a female version of Provillus does very well.

There are absolutely no sexual side effects associated with minoxidil. May it itches when your scalp provided. For this reason, he joined Provillus used components to the current solution, (which contains minoxidil). Provillus also comes with a vitamin supplement that increases the body's ability to grow a healthy hair. In essense, Provillus hair loss as attacks from the outside (liquid solution) and internal (Appendix).

Scalp Med-Scalp Med is very similar to Provillus. Contains minoxidil, and vitamins. Female version is also available. But there is a considerable difference in the price. Scalped Med costs $ 349.95 for 6-month supply, while the Provillus is only $ 199.95. I can't see how this difference in price is justified by any difference in the products.

All of these hair growth remedies should be effective to halt and reverse and hair loss. Many men, but to discourage potentially permanent sexual problems caused by Propecia. In comparison with the scalp Med, Provillus is a much better value. 6-month supply costs a little over US $ 1 per day. There are no significant side effects and it has not been proven to work. For these reasons, Provillus gets my vote as the best hair loss product, three.

You can read what actual users have about Propecia and Provillus Provillus located on the on

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