miercuri, 31 august 2011

Breastfeeding and sibling rivalry

The introduction of a new brother or sister in the family can be an extremely exciting time for everyone. But it may also cause feelings of loss for younger children and may respond to devastating. Of course, younger children may feel disconcerted and threatens the new addition to the family. And family life can become restless.

So how can you make a new arrival less of a threat for the family?

First, confirm to myself and my other children, who may feel a little nudge on the birth of the child to the family. If you plan to breastfeed her child, then explain to your children that you don't have much time to spend with them as usual, but make sure that the handler is eventually settle down and everything returns to normal.

Try to involve other siblings as much as possible in the daily care of the child. Unable to establish one to get the baby wipes and diapers, while others may be assigned to work with a baby-gro. or perhaps leave them assistance in the new bathing a child. This will allow your children to feel involved and important.

When you're breastfeeding child explain to your children what you are doing. If you are very young show them pictures of the children fed by their mothers, including animals, baby. You remind them that were once breastfed you also, if this is so.

Some children will imitate what they see their parents try to show to surprise, if you are a witness to breastfeed the child her favorite Teddy bear. Instead, to promote it, to tell you all about her child.
Don't go into another room to breastfeed your baby, it means that something is wrong with what you're doing. Instead, how to breastfeed the child encourage their children to watch how the child drinks milk and explain that the child will be healthy and strong. So you will receive breastfeeding as normal.

While breastfeeding may find it very young toddlers crave your attention and can be literally hanging off of you! Preparation for this, several books, hardware, or prepared in advance. When it's time to breastfeed the child read the story for your kids or encourage them to draw a picture, or do a jigsaw puzzle. It is to feel valued and participating.

If the siblings are a lot of bickering among themselves and find yourself lost his nerve with them to try to take some time. And if you calm down and explain to them why you're tired. Ask them to understand that you are not really mad, but that you need some rest.

Some toddlers to vent their frustration on the birth of a child of his runners or pulling of the hair. Your children can understand, why it's unfair and it is nice things instead of as a help or a bath or dress instead of loading some toys, must explain from the point of view.

If you are aware of how your children may respond to the new brothers and sisters, you can progress to ensure that things work smoothly is well in advance of the birth. Encourage your children to see a new child as a member of the family, who enjoys to live with you. Show them pictures of the new children and breastfeeding. If it is possible to see someone who has a baby, and better yet, someone who is also a breast-feeding.

Careful to make time for other children in the family when the child arrives.

Siblings can be hard work and sibling rivalry a nightmare, but you can facilitate life for themselves and for them with careful preliminary training.

Medicine and hair loss

It is normal for men and women experience hair loss when they grow up from the aging process, however, if the loss of hair is higher than normal and then it falls under the condition, known as Androgenetic looking. This condition is considered to be something that has a genetic link. I'm sure nobody would not tolerate the effects and hair loss takes place, in which hard work just to find out that the best medicine for hair loss. But are you aware that, even primitive people have their own share of stories about how you can be considered to be the problem?

In ancient Egypt would normally chopped salad and apply them to the bald spots on the head. This is because they associate salad with landmines, the Egyptian God of virility. Sometimes also resort to castor oil, to support the growth of hair. The process is simply because the only mixed with castor oil, sweet almond oil to improve the flavour. Massage your scalp was also famous for them, would normally used to scalp massage, together with the preparation of the fir tree extracts which resin and then massage the affected are. The Egyptians would use sometimes, wigs and hair extension, what they get from sheep wool to cover the balding and due to the belief that grow on their own.

In India, their medicine and hair loss involves the use of cooked sage leaves in coconut oil, which is then applied to the hair and scalps; the process is known among the supporters of Ayurveda. In addition, the famous herbs used for breastfeeding also used these days such as cure of hair loss and then back in India, fenugreek powder mixed with coconut milk and a pinch of black pepper. They believe this to have an effect on the loss of hair. There are times that the natives should also take advantage of the Amla oil which is extracted from the Indian gooseberries cooked in coconut oil.

In Africa, Sub-Sahara Africa would steep the flowers in the olive oil to the aromatic hair tonic, supporting the growth of hair. It would also make use of astringent properties of Lauraceae sheets for scalp problems.

In Victorian America, dealing with the problem and hair loss through a process of application of the Cologne blend of camphor and cantharides on the roots of the hair every night. The idea that a hundred times every night on the shiny hair comes from them. When he did it, it is recommended to use a stiff brush to promote soft and lustrous hair.

Today all of these processes are still carried out by some people as their means of treatment of the problem; is now called "home remedy for hair loss". Are safe, effective and cheap. Try to practice the procedure day and beautiful changes can be expected in the hair. Web site contains other home remedy, are to be found, and some time to further research since it's not wrong to try a combination of these at the same time.

marți, 30 august 2011

Anxiety and hair loss treatment-one problem solves another

Hair loss is caused by a variety of different factors. While some factors such as hereditary baldness, and side effects of chemotherapy drugs are very well known, there are also factors that are not well known to all. One of these lesser-known causes of hair loss is anxiety. Recent studies have shown that the baldness and anxiety are heavily linked, and it is very important to know how, if you want to slow down or stop hair loss.

Anxiety is known to create a hormonal imbalance in the body, which leads to baldness. When an individual suffers from stress and anxiety, the hormones in the body tend to cause various adverse reactions in the body. One of these adverse effects are hair loss that is curable. The best way to treat and hair loss of anxiety is to get rid of anxiety. This will bring the hormones back to normal levels.

How to manage anxiety?

There are many ways in which you can get rid of hair loss and anxiety. First, you can start by to find out what causes anxiety. Create a list. This anxiety arising from the relationship in your life, work, or a financial problem? Once you analyze the causes of anxiety, create a plan for how to resolve this problem. Just keep in mind that, despite the fact that the situation cannot be changed, you can always change your attitude to him. Look at the positive aspects of the matter. It may seem hard at first, but once you have a specific direction of the State of mind, it becomes easier for you.

You can get rid of baldness and anxiety in many ways. One of the ways is a meditation and yoga, which help you to go deep into each other and focus more on himself. The next exercise is an effective way that facilitates the release of certain chemical substances in the body that you feel good. Massage is a good option to try. All this helps to reduce anxiety.

How to troubleshoot and hair loss?

If you're looking for a quick and efficient way to baldness, try the Propecia, using a drug that has helped millions of individuals to slow down or even stop hair loss, together with the pubertálnímu the lost hair.


Propecia prevents the conversion of testosterone to Dihydrotestosterone in and is used for the treatment of male pattern baldness. It is effective medication, which is known for his rapid and safe results. This drug should never take, if you are allergic to finasteride, its active ingredient. Women and children would never take. This drug can be absorbed through the skin, which is dangerous. Although women should not use this medicine, you can see that the fruit are caused when a woman is exposed to the drug during pregnancy. A woman also would touch broken Propecia tablets, if breastfeeding, as it is known that this drugs through breast milk. If a woman comes into contact with this drug, especially when she is pregnant, she should wash the area with a quality SOAP and immediately contact a doctor.

Finding the real causes of hair loss, and what you can do it?

Each type of pattern baldness is the same as the cause and hair loss. An example of this is the androgenic looking or commonly known as pattern baldness. The cause and hair loss is the genes of an individual. These genes also determine the design, development, the pace and degree of baldness. This notice in the male relatives, in particular, the father of the mother. If he is experiencing baldness, then it is likely that it also record. Women have a dominant genes, which is the cause and hair loss.

Androgenic hair is what causes the loss of the sample, which resembles a horseshoe where the sides and the rear part of the hair is not affected.

Another type of baldness is looking areata. An autoimmune condition is the cause and hair loss. This is when the body attacks itself because of a virus or the trigger that activates. This type of baldness is exposed repair small and round in the hair. Eventually the hair grows back, but also there is a tendency that the baldness will be repeated from time to time. This model of baldness is also sometimes hereditary.

This condition is common and affects 1 in 100 individuals in the US, but also a higher ratio is located in Italy and in Spain. Looking areata has two specific cases. Looking totalis, where is the condition in the title of the individual's complete loss of hair, while looking universalis game engine is a total loss on different hair in the body.

Telogen effluvium is another type of baldness and hair loss is where the cause of stress, which is due to changes in the body, such as pregnancy and lactation. Because the hair is adapting to the current state of the person's hair loss. The burden to send signals to the hair and cause excessive fall. Whereas, in that the cause and hair loss is reversible, this condition is also reversible. Hair grow after the conditions of individuals are back to normal, or at least 6 months after the event. There is no particular model for this type of baldness.

There is also a specific type of baldness, where the disease is associated with the cause and hair loss. Baldness can be the initial flag for disease or is it one of the symptoms. Examples of these diseases are hyperthyroidism, lack of iron, seborrheic dermatitis and vitiligo. Hair usually grows back, when the condition is already cured or in the process of medication.

Another reason and hair loss is excessive chemicals. This condition is known as the anagen effluvium, which begins as a small repair of baldness, which later develop complete baldness. Due to the frequent use of excessive and hair loss causes, which are chemicals that destroy hair follicles and stops the anagen hair. It is also implied that the hair of people who are undergoing chemotherapy. The chemical, which is used to directly affect the hair follicles. It is also the result of the excessive and the direct use of chemical substances on the hair.

Hair fall solution: remedies you can use to stop, and hair loss

You need a solution to the fall of the hair? Well, you're not the only one. And hair loss is extremely common for men is usually pronounced, but in women is not so apparent. However, women are more prone to suffering with hair loss due to the many changes, which will take place in the body throughout life.

Hair growth or loss may affect the way that many people feel, may be extremely worrying and the reasons for and hair loss may be joyful or disturbing is included only in a way that your hair fall.

There are many solutions to the fall of hair belonging to them;

Wash your hair regularly, remember to use natural products, too many chemicals can damage the hair follicles.

Gently massage your scalp, either during washing or with essential oils before egg washing, it will not only appear confused on his head, but will support the flexibility of the skin and healthy hair follicles.

Changes in your diet may reduce the loss of hair, a time period, please try to include leafy vegetables and fruit in their daily diet.

Increase the circulation vigorously rub hair dry after washing, it is proposed to try to do only once a week.

Domestic production of ointments, create a mixture of coconut oil and lime juice to rub the head before washing.

Purity, regularly cleaning the skin and hair may prevent falling hair.

Remember that hair loss is likely to be only temporary, and is often the result of hormonal changes ongoing in the body. The only solution is often calm down and relax. Getting stressed about the little things can cause big problems for your hair.

If you suffer from hair fall and you have recently had a child or employee, may increase. This loss of hair will continue for as long as you continue to breastfeed. Unlikely that some of these solutions will benefit.

If the suffering of menopause hair fall hair loss is reduced, as the body adjusts to the hormonal changes. If after 12 months remain hair fall, ask for advice from your doctor, hormonal changes usually relax after 6 months so can be another cause.

If you think that stress may be the cause of the fall of the hair should talk with your doctor for referral to visit a psychiatrist. A problem shared is a problem halved.

The average person loses between 50-100 hairs per day when you lost much more than that to talk with their doctor, who will be able to give you tips for healthy hair growth.

To hair loss from occurring, you can use all of the above solutions, together with the stay calm. This is for healthier hair and joy to you.

Hair fall, the solution may not have the same results for each one, individual needs are unique, and consciousness, the underlying cause will be beneficial. If your hair loss begins with the worse should consult your doctor, may require referral for counseling or medicated shampoo.

For more information about contact the fall of the hair , then please visit my health ezines web site for detailed information on this disease, but many other health related topics.

luni, 29 august 2011

Hair loss after pregnancy is a normal part of the entire process of pregnancy

Hair loss after pregnancy is a normal phenomenon that occurs in almost all women. For most women hair loss usually peaks around three months after delivery. Six to twelve months after delivery of the hair is back to normal, as they were before the period of pregnancy. So if you have just given birth and occurs and hair loss, you worry about a thing. Go ahead and read this article and find out why it happened and what you can do to your hair.

Hair growth cycle

We can start understanding hair growth cycle. Under normal circumstances, around 90% of the hair in the growing phase, while 10% is dormant. Every two or three months of rest, the hair will fall out and the new hair start to grow in its place. Thus, under normal circumstances, it is normal to lose around 100 strands of hair a day.

Change hair in pregnancy

When you're pregnant, your body goes through many changes. Hormonal changes, namely, increased levels of estrogen in the body of a pregnant woman causing his hair to go into a phase of strong growth. Pregnant women, therefore, lose hair, which would normally lose. The result is a strong and healthy hair. You heard that pregnant women must be congratulated on their healthy, thick and shiny hair.

Change of hair after pregnancy

Once the child is born, your body will once again go through hormonal changes. A huge percentage of hair, which was in a growth phase will now go to the ' phase and therefore will have hair loss after pregnancy. Almost 60% of the hair may enter into a phase of rest upon delivery. Increased hair fall may alarm you, as well as many of the women. But you must understand your hair loss after pregnancy is a sign that your body is returning to normal.

The hair should be part of your non-existent and after pregnancy care. Taking proper care of your hair will be reduced and hair loss. Use the following tips very useful for the treatment of the hair and ensure that you look good after pregnancy.

Talk with your doctor in order to maintain the correct hormonal balance in the body.

Your diet should include a lot of fresh vegetables and fruit.

Talk with your doctor about with nutrition.

Shampoos and auxiliary substances, which contain biotin and quartz are good for your hair.

Avoid tight braids, hair weaves, hair rollers, etc., this may cause stress to the hair.

Your hair is wet with a fine comb.

Avoid stress during and after pregnancy.

Knowing in advance what your body goes through during and after pregnancy will help to watch. You will be in a better position to deal with issues such as sex after pregnancy, breastfeeding, contraception, and etc. Therefore, read as on the various issues relating to pregnancy, including hair loss after pregnancy.

Hair Loss after pregnancy is a common phenomenon that can be easily dealt with correct hair care tips. Learning about various issues concerning of pregnancy with period will help you better resolve any changes that your body goes through during and after pregnancy. Other issues such as sex after pregnancy, could also play in mind. Don't worry, be happy. For more information, visit the period of pregnancy.

Womens treatments and hair loss

And hair loss can be caused by a number of factors, but inheritance is number one of the reasons why men and women lose their mane. Hereditary hair loss for men and women have the same main cause which is Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is attacking our hair follicles. DHT is a metabolite of testosterone, a male hormone but is also present in the woman's body. Men and women lose their hair not because of increased levels of DHT in the body, but given the sensitivity of hair follicles DHT attacks, although the exact mechanism and the reasons why some of the hair, the majority are at the top of the head are more vulnerable to such attacks are not yet known.

The main difference between male and female form of hereditary baldness is in its shape. The male form has a characteristic Horseshoe pattern, while the female form is typically diffuse thinning over the entire scalp and is therefore less easily recognised. The female forms of hereditary hair loss is in its form, virtually indistinguishable from the hair loss caused by various other factors. The second most common reason a woman loses her hair is hormonal imbalance during and after pregnancy or menopause. These changes are usually of a temporary nature and is also hair loss, hair loss, although after menopause is permanent in most cases.

When it comes to treatment and hair loss in women, there are certain specifics. Firstly, most of the women, to very good candidates for hair transplant, due to their diffuse thinning, which makes it impossible to identify the hair, that will be resistant to the distant future. Secondly, finasteride, which is one of only two FDA approved hair loss treatment available today, cannot be used in women and the dutasteride which is its closest and assumedly even stronger relative. Rogaine (minoxidil generic name) is the second FDA approved hair loss treatment and its approved concentrations for women is only 2%, compared to 5% for men. However, many doctors recommend that their female patients of minoxidil formulation of the male, having a concentration of 5%, such as Rogaine foam. Aminexil molecule is, like minoxidil, and it is often women who are pregnant or breastfeeding is recommended as a safer option than minoxidil.

Although some Antiandrogens such as finasteride or dutasteride cannot be prescribed for women, there are other antiandrogen drugs, which can be effectively used to treat hair loss. Antiandrogens are most frequently used for the treatment of female pattern baldness are spironolactone (brand name Aldactone) and cyproterone acetate (used in birth control, such as Diane 35, Diane 50 and Ginette 35).

Further treatment of the seemingly high rate of success is the solution to the current estrogen, such as Crinohermal, female hormones, estradiol, as their main active ingredients. Estradiol is able to prevent the conversion of testosterone Follicle damage to DHT. Hormone replacement therapy is a hormonal treatment for more appropriate for women in menopause, estrogen and progesterone pills and the creams, the most common forms of treatment. Estrogen levels in the body to decrease with time. As women, menopause, estrogen levels decrease, and thus more male hormone testosterone is available then will be converted into a pouch of injury to the DHT.

The above list of treatments for female pattern baldness is not exhaustive, but. There are a number of other remedies, which are often claimed that he helped promote the growth of hair in women, such as ketoconazole, fluridil, flutamide, alfatradiol, as well as various substances of natural origin. Despite the fact that there are female patients, who are some of these treatments, none of them was never sufficiently clinically tested, let alone approved by the supervisory authority of any significant national health as a treatment for hair loss and the rights guaranteed by their efficiency should be given to a grain of salt.

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Breastfeeding and hair loss

Women who recently have given birth present could hear claims that breast-feeding ultimately is bald. It's just a myth. It is not true that if you are breastfeeding your baby, the count of the nutrients in the body goes down and your hair will show signs of it. It is also not true that breastfeeding interferes with the normal hair cycle.
What is true is the fact that the current problems of hair loss resulting from pregnancy and childbirth. For some women are so huge that occurred and hair loss, hormonal changes, which have maintained throughout the period of 9 months. It is one of the reasons why the pregnant mothers tend to see more hair, implicated in the traces of them than in the last few months.
And that's not the end. As soon as after the birth, the greater the quantity of hair is expected to decline. This event is directly related to the natural reaction of the body in trauma through a child during childbirth. We all know how stressful the birth of the child in a natural way, as can be. Hair, from all parts of the body, is the most affected. But what is so good in all things is the fact that everything is just temporary. Your hair loss issues eventually fade, and it is something you look forward to.
So no matter if you are an employee or not, and hair loss would eventually begin. This is one of your body's reaction to the changes, that is gone, hormonal and physical. It is expected that phase of the loss of his hair to stay for at least five months. On the other hand, is expected to be fully recovered from the trauma of the follicles of the hair after a year and a quarter.
If thinning hair bothers you, it is highly suggested that you seek medical help. There are hair experts who can help you immensely with your problem. They say the best shampoo for loss on the market, it is good enough for you. Otherwise, you wait until your hair goes back to his normal growth cycle, the advice. Proper counseling would certainly help a lot.
Doctors recommend the use of the best shampoo for growth are those who understand the need for women to do something about her hair, which they lost. Women are naturally in vain. And certainly do not feel beautiful hair. Concerns about the loss of hair can be addressed by the women of the right decisions and the most effective options that would help them to recover in time.

hair loss