luni, 29 august 2011

Hair loss after pregnancy is a normal part of the entire process of pregnancy

Hair loss after pregnancy is a normal phenomenon that occurs in almost all women. For most women hair loss usually peaks around three months after delivery. Six to twelve months after delivery of the hair is back to normal, as they were before the period of pregnancy. So if you have just given birth and occurs and hair loss, you worry about a thing. Go ahead and read this article and find out why it happened and what you can do to your hair.

Hair growth cycle

We can start understanding hair growth cycle. Under normal circumstances, around 90% of the hair in the growing phase, while 10% is dormant. Every two or three months of rest, the hair will fall out and the new hair start to grow in its place. Thus, under normal circumstances, it is normal to lose around 100 strands of hair a day.

Change hair in pregnancy

When you're pregnant, your body goes through many changes. Hormonal changes, namely, increased levels of estrogen in the body of a pregnant woman causing his hair to go into a phase of strong growth. Pregnant women, therefore, lose hair, which would normally lose. The result is a strong and healthy hair. You heard that pregnant women must be congratulated on their healthy, thick and shiny hair.

Change of hair after pregnancy

Once the child is born, your body will once again go through hormonal changes. A huge percentage of hair, which was in a growth phase will now go to the ' phase and therefore will have hair loss after pregnancy. Almost 60% of the hair may enter into a phase of rest upon delivery. Increased hair fall may alarm you, as well as many of the women. But you must understand your hair loss after pregnancy is a sign that your body is returning to normal.

The hair should be part of your non-existent and after pregnancy care. Taking proper care of your hair will be reduced and hair loss. Use the following tips very useful for the treatment of the hair and ensure that you look good after pregnancy.

Talk with your doctor in order to maintain the correct hormonal balance in the body.

Your diet should include a lot of fresh vegetables and fruit.

Talk with your doctor about with nutrition.

Shampoos and auxiliary substances, which contain biotin and quartz are good for your hair.

Avoid tight braids, hair weaves, hair rollers, etc., this may cause stress to the hair.

Your hair is wet with a fine comb.

Avoid stress during and after pregnancy.

Knowing in advance what your body goes through during and after pregnancy will help to watch. You will be in a better position to deal with issues such as sex after pregnancy, breastfeeding, contraception, and etc. Therefore, read as on the various issues relating to pregnancy, including hair loss after pregnancy.

Hair Loss after pregnancy is a common phenomenon that can be easily dealt with correct hair care tips. Learning about various issues concerning of pregnancy with period will help you better resolve any changes that your body goes through during and after pregnancy. Other issues such as sex after pregnancy, could also play in mind. Don't worry, be happy. For more information, visit the period of pregnancy.

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